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SINOHOPE MPC WaaS products from Xinhuo Technology already support the Babylon protocol

SINOHOPE, a new fire technology company (stock code: 1611.HK), announced that its MPC WaaS product has officially completed the integration of the Bitcoin collateral agreement Babylon. SINOHOPE MPC WaaS users can seamlessly and efficiently pledge BTC assets through Babylon's Bitcoin collateral API interface, continuously improving the utilization rate of user BTC assets. It is reported that Babylon first introduced the concept of native Bitcoin collateral, allowing users to pledge Bitcoin for PoS blockchain and earn profits. Through SINOHOPE's Babylon Staking API interface, users can easily connect to Babylon's Bitcoin collateral agreement. SINOHOPE MPC WaaS's API provides users with comprehensive interface support, including Babylon collateral transaction construction, transaction pre-signing, and collateral transaction inquiries.


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