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OneKey Hardware Wallet Announces Support for Lightning Network and Nostr

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According to official sources, OneKey hardware wallet has announced support for Lightning Network and Nostr, becoming the first hardware wallet to support both. This means that OneKey supports users in using hardware wallets for Lightning Network transfers and asset reception. Users do not need to know too much about channels, invoices, LND, and other complex concepts, and can easily trade BTC and Sats. OneKey will continue to deepen its functions on the Lightning Network, including but not limited to:

1. OneKey hardware wallet supports Lightning Network addresses for wider applications.

2. OneKey will support the "nostr.signSchnorr" function to help the Lightning Network and Nostr communities easily add Nostr keys to Bitcoin wallets. OneKey is committed to providing reliable solutions for the constantly evolving needs of the encryption community.

At the same time, OneKey plans to open API interfaces to help various wallets seamlessly integrate Lightning Network accounts, promoting ecological development.


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