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ArNext Redefining Permaapps: Merging Permanent Storage with Cloud Performance in the Next.js Framework

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Author: Kyle

Translator: Kyle

Reviewer: Lemon

Source: Content Guild Translation

ArNext is a Next.js-based framework that allows developers to deploy the same codebase on both Vercel and Arweave, achieving cloud-optimized performance for permanent applications. It addresses the traditional limitations of Permaapps, such as slow dynamic content loading, root URL support only, and lack of social media cards. By integrating server-side rendering (SSR) from Next.js and client-side routing from Arweave, ArNext enables seamless operation across both platforms. Its key advantage is providing developers with a way to build cloud-optimized web applications while ensuring permanent storage and censorship-resistant backups on Arweave.

Tomo, the founder of WeaveDB, introduced ArNext as a revolutionary framework for building applications, especially for permanent applications (Permaapps). It allows developers to deploy the same codebase on Vercel and Arweave, achieving cloud-optimized performance alongside censorship-resistant permanent backups.

At its core, ArNext is an application framework based on Next.js. Next.js is a popular React framework for building modern web applications, supporting server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). Through a series of innovative techniques, ArNext allows Permaapps to be built from the same codebase, enabling SSR on Vercel and client-side routing on Arweave, creating a unique architecture that combines the characteristics of multi-page applications (MPAs) and single-page applications (SPAs).

Limitations of Traditional Permaapps

Permaapps are applications deployed on the Permaweb, typically built as single-page applications (SPAs). While Permaapps ensure permanent storage of application content, they come with several limitations due to their reliance on static site generation (SSG) and client-side hash routing, lacking server-side support. Let’s break down these limitations:

  • Without server-side rendering (SSR), dynamic content loading is slow, similar to having a restaurant chef prepare each dish as ordered.
  • Client-side hash routing presents navigation issues, and direct access to certain pages can lead to "404 errors."
  • Social media sharing cards cannot generate correctly because social media crawlers do not execute JavaScript.
  • The absence of server optimizations (e.g., SSR, ISR, and edge CDN) means the app lacks the speed and enhancements typical of modern websites.

These limitations make traditional Permaapps weaker in areas like dynamic content, page navigation, social sharing, and performance optimization, particularly in scenarios requiring high performance and flexibility.

ArNext’s Innovative Solutions

ArNext overcomes the limitations of traditional Permaapps through the following innovations:

  • Dual Deployment: The same application is deployed simultaneously on Vercel and Arweave. The Vercel deployment benefits from modern server technologies like SSR, delivering better performance and user experience, while the Arweave deployment serves as a permanent storage backup, ensuring data censorship resistance and long-term preservation.
  • Cloud Performance Optimization: Vercel applications can leverage technologies like Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), allowing specific pages to update dynamically as needed without regenerating the entire site. This approach significantly improves loading speeds, especially in scenarios with frequently changing content, where users can quickly access the latest updates while maintaining optimal page performance.
  • Static Multi-page Website Experience: Traditional Permaapps are purely single-page applications (SPAs), but ArNext delivers the experience of a static multi-page website (MPA). The initial load functions like a static MPA, but after loading, subsequent page transitions are as smooth as in an SPA. This approach combines the best of both worlds—offering excellent initial load speeds while ensuring smooth page transitions.
  • Dynamic Page OpenGraph Tags: The issue of social media previews is resolved in ArNext through server-side rendering (SSR). SSR allows for the generation of appropriate OpenGraph tags (including page titles, descriptions, images, etc.) for each page on the server, ensuring that social media platforms can correctly read and display preview cards when users share links.
  • No Hash Routing Needed: Traditional Permaapps rely on hash routing (usually involving the # symbol) for navigation, but ArNext solves this using Arweave Manifests v0.2.0’s fallback feature. This fallback mechanism allows the server to handle requests by falling back to the root page when a specific page is not found. This eliminates the need for hash routing, enabling a more standard URL structure (e.g.,, providing a user experience closer to that of traditional websites.
  • Relative Paths for Dynamically Generated Resources: ArNext employs three methods to solve the challenge of linking static files. First, it dynamically calculates and inserts the correct relative paths during deployment, ensuring resources are accessible across different environments. Second, manual rewriting of resource tags compensates for any shortcomings in automatic path generation. Lastly, it generates an appropriate manifest.json file to ensure proper indexing and loading of resources.


ArNext introduces a dual-deployment framework, combining the permanence of traditional Permaapps with modern cloud performance optimizations. By utilizing Vercel’s server-side rendering (SSR) and Arweave’s client-side routing, ArNext merges multi-page and single-page applications. This not only addresses the limitations of traditional Permaapps in terms of dynamic content loading and page navigation but also improves social sharing and performance optimization. For instance, in a blog application, Vercel’s SSR allows dynamic content (such as the latest posts) to load quickly, while Arweave ensures articles are permanently stored and censorship-resistant.

ArNext provides a new paradigm for building applications that offer both durability and high performance, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of Web3 developers.

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