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Paradigm, OP Labs and Base collaborate to develop OP Stack client OP Reth

Georgios Konstantopoulos, Chief Technology Officer and Research Partner at Paradigm, wrote on the X platform that OP Reth has been merged, which means that its high-performance Ethereum node Reth can be used in OP Stack without modification. Georgios also stated that this was achieved through collaboration between OP Labs, the Base team, and Paradigm's own open source team.

Paradigm co-founder Fred Ehrsam resigned and will continue to participate in operations as a general partner

According to The Information, Paradigm co-founder Fred Ehrsam resigned from his position and will stay with the company as a general partner, but will reduce his involvement in daily operations. Before founding this venture capital firm, Ehrsam was a co-founder of Coinbase. He told employees that he plans to spend more time researching and investing in future health technologies, citing the interest of other cryptocurrency leaders in anti-aging treatments and cryogenic technology.