137 Ventures



Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
137 Ventures has made 12 investments. Their most recent investment was on May 23, 2022, when Torch, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
May 23, 2022 Torch Series C Corporate Training Yes
Oct 19, 2021 Wonolo Series D Freelance
Mar 5, 2018 Fair Series A Automotive
Jan 11, 2018 Grab Series G Apps
Sep 21, 2017 Flexport Series C Freight Service
Aug 11, 2017 Anduril Industries Seed Aerospace
Oct 9, 2015 Virgin Hyperloop Series Unknown Industrial Engineering
Apr 16, 2014 Airbnb Series D Hospitality
Oct 21, 2013 2U Series D Cloud Computing
May 15, 2013 Apptio Series E Analytics
Apr 15, 2012 Postmates Seed Delivery
Nov 8, 2010 SpaceX Series F Advanced Materials