Stanislav Kuznetsov was born on July 25, 1962, in Leipzig (GDR).
In 1984 he graduated from the Red Banner Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense and in 2002 – from Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Candidate of legal sciences.
In 1979–2002 he served in the Armed Forces and internal affairs agencies of Russia.
In 2002–2004 he was the head of Administrative Department of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.
In 2004–2007 he was appointed head of General Affairs Department of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.
From April to December 2007 he was appointed Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.
On January 2008 he became the Vice-President and member of the Executive Board of Sberbank.
On September 2010 he was assigned to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank.
Mr. Kuznetsov holds Order for Distinguished Service of IV Grade, Medal of Honour and the Suvorov Medal. He is honoured by Citation of the President of the Russian Federation. Mr. Kuznetsov was awarded Certificate of Honour by the Government of the Russian Federation.