Rahul has worked across various facets of the finance function from accounting, audit and advisory roles to FP&A, business and strategic finance, M&As, equity / debt financing, financial restructuring, investment banking and eventually managing the entire function end to end for large geographiesPrior to Near, Rahul was heading finance for InMobi’s North America operations. He was instrumental in managing all things finance in the region including treasury, investor relations, fund raising activities and process improvements for the group. At InMobi, he was also heading finance for its Asia Pacific operations spread across 5 regions, 15 business locations and 10 legal entities where he helped set up and manage finance, secretarial and statutory compliances alongside building scalable process improvement models for InMobi. Rahul was a core member of the team that worked on $200 Million funding by Softbank to InMobi back in 2011.