Nikolay Tsekhovskiy was born on March 21, 1974, in Leningrad.
In 1995 he graduated from St Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics. Candidate of economic sciences.
In 1995–1997 he was employed at Ernst & Young (St Petersburg) where he took various positions, from economist to senior auditor.
In 1997–1998 he was the Senior Auditor at the London Office of Ernst & Young.
In 1998–1999 he worked as an auditor at Brunswick UBS Warburg investment bank (Moscow).
In 1999–2002 he held the post of Financial Director of Renaissance Capital Investment Group.
In 2002–2005 he was employed at Mobile TeleSystems Group (MTS) as Finance Director, Finance Vice President, Finance and Investment Vice President.
In October 2005 he joined VTB Bank as Senior Vice President – Head of the Financial Department.
In June 2007 Mr Tsekhomskiy became a Member of the Executive Board of VTB.
Until September 2009 he was the Finance Director of Bank VTB. In 2007 he became a member of the Executive Board of VTB.
From November 2009 to December 2011 he served as Chairman of the Executive Board of Barclays Bank LLC (Russian Office) and was in charge of the bank's corporate and retail business in Russia.
Since November 2012 Mr. Tsekhmskiy has been Advisor of the CEO, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia. He joined Sberbank in November 2012 as Vice President – Director of the Financial Department
He holds an MA degree in Production Management and is a Candidate of Economic Sciences of St Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics.