Crypto Giants Seek Congressional Clarity on US Money Transmitter Rules

Michael Poutre

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner
Investor Stage
Early stage Venture,Late Stage Venture,Post-IPO,Seed

With 25+ years in the Banking and Corporate Finance industry, Michael Poutré has successfully led companies as CEO and Director, securing funding and executing IPO’s on NASDAQ, and has created well over $1 Billion in shareholder equity through his efforts. Mike holds a B.A. from Whittier College where he was a Whittier Scholar and a two-time recipient of the Richard M. Nixon scholarship. He also holds an MBA, with an emphasis on International Business from California Lutheran University. In 2017, he was accepted to Pepperdine University’s Ph.D. program in Philosophy for Global Leadership


Number of Current Jobs
Michael Poutre has 1 current jobs including CEO, Managing Partner at Terraform Capital , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Terraform Capital CEO, Managing Partner Jan 1, 2018 Detail