U.S. Senate Takes First Big Step to Advance Stablecoin Bill

Jocelyn Matthews



Jocelyn Matthews is Community Manager at Storj Labs, a company focused on decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure. In that role, she sponsors meetups and runs the technical community. Her mission for the Storj community is to grow a vibrant ecosystem to which everyone brings their best selves – a place for developers to contribute to the project and build applications on top of the platform, as well a place for storage node operators to get assistance building supply for the network.

Jocelyn is a former Rosberg-Geist Fellow at the Center for African Studies at UC Berkeley. Her ethnographic social research has received grant funding from the Sultan Grant for Arab Cultural Studies; UC Berkeley Center for Race and Gender Studies; HASTAC Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance Collaboratory; and the National Science Foundation (NSF). She is a former lab member at CITRIS (the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society) Banatao Institute. In her spare time, she is an active member of the Bay Area Black Designers group, and Elpha network. She cares very much about diversity, inclusion and equity, values she brought to bear both as a former faculty member of the California college system, and while teaching underserved teens in Oakland.

Jocelyn began working in tech during the 1990s. She has been black her whole life and is getting pretty good at it.


Number of Current Jobs
Jocelyn Matthews has 1 current jobs including Manager of Community Relations at Storj , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Storj Manager of Community Relations Detail