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Hardwin Mead



Dr. R. Hardwin Mead has practiced cardiac electrophysiology and cardiology for over 25 years, primarily at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City.

He and Dr. Roger Winkle, another prominent Bay area cardiac electrophyisiologist, began the first private cardiac electrophysiology practice in the Bay Area. Their practice has performed over 2000 ablation procedures for atrial fibrillation. In addition to his clinical work, Hardwin has partnered with industry over the years, dating back to his role on the initial advisory board for Ventritex and has been a consultant to Medtronic for over 20 years and now sits on their Independent Physician Quality Panel.

He has had advisory roles with early stage companies including Proteus Biomedical, Acumen Medical, AFx Medical, Cierra, InnerPulse, EBR, and he is on the executive board of iRhythm.

Dr. Mead attended Northwestern University, graduating with a combined B.A. and M.S. degrees in Biochemistry, and received his M.D. degree from Stanford University Medical School.


Number of Current Jobs
Hardwin Mead has 1 current jobs including Member, Independent Physician Quality Panel at Medtronic , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Medtronic Member, Independent Physician Quality Panel Jan 1, 2007 Detail