Crypto Giants Seek Congressional Clarity on US Money Transmitter Rules

David Brossard



David is the Senior Director for Identity Management at Salesforce. He oversees authentication, federation, and single-sign-on capabilities.
Previously David worked at Axiomatics to lead product management, solution architecture, and sales engineering. Previously, he worked for 5 years at British Telecom's Security Architectures Center as a Senior Security Researcher. His main area of expertise is Identity & Access Management as well as API security. David has published several papers and contributed to several books on the topic of SOA security and governance.
Today David focuses on product strategy and alignment with customer requirements. David is a frequent speaker at conferences such as Gartner, Kuppinger Cole's European Identity Conference, and Identiverse.


Number of Current Jobs
David Brossard has 1 current jobs including Senior Director at Salesforce , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Salesforce Senior Director Jan 13, 2020 Detail