Crypto Giants Seek Congressional Clarity on US Money Transmitter Rules

Dan Farber

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner

Dan Farber is the Senior Vice President of Strategic Communication at Salesforce. Prior to Salesforce, he spent 35 years as an editor and reporter, primarily covering the intersection of technology and business. He served as editor-in-chief of CNET News, a leading technology news service, and, where led the editorial team in breaking news coverage and establishing online destinations for the CBS Evening News, 60 Minutes and other programs. He joined ZDNet in 1996 as editorial director, and led the development of ZDNet's worldwide network of more than 70 technology-focused sites. He also served editor-in-chief at Ziff-Davis' pioneering computing news publications, PC Week and MacWeek, and was a founding editor at MacWorld magazine and member of the editorial staffs of PC World and PC Magazine.


Number of Current Jobs
Dan Farber has 1 current jobs including SVP Strategic Communications at Salesforce , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Salesforce SVP Strategic Communications Dec 10, 2014 Detail