Gov’t can realize gains on gold certificates to buy Bitcoin: Bo Hines

Brian Fabian Crain



Brian Fabian Crain is a Berlin-based economist and entrepreneur. He is the founder and co-host of the blockchain podcast Epicenter (250+ episodes, 4m+ downloads), founder and ​organizer of Blockchain Meetup Berlin. He is also co-founder & CEO of Chorus One.

​He has degrees in economics, philosophy and cognitive science from the University of Chicago, London ​School of Economics​ and University ​College ​London.​


Number of Current Jobs
Brian Fabian Crain has 3 current jobs including Co-Founder & CEO at Chorus One , Co-Founder and Co-Host at Epicenter and Founder & Organizer at Epicenter .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Chorus One Co-Founder & CEO Nov 1, 2017 Detail
Epicenter Co-Founder and Co-Host Oct 1, 2013 Detail
Epicenter Founder & Organizer Jan 1, 2013 Detail