Gov’t can realize gains on gold certificates to buy Bitcoin: Bo Hines

Boris Zaslavsky



Dr. Zaslavsky has over 30 years of scientific/technical experience. He is the co-founder and chief scientific officer of Cleveland Diagnostics, Inc., and previously of Analiza, Inc. and AnalizaDx, LLC. Dr. Zaslavsky is a bioanalytical chemist with over three decades of experience, beginning at the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow, where he eventually received his Doctor of Science degree, and in the U.S. at Cornell Medical College, Argonne National Lab, and finally at Analiza, AnalizaDx, and currently at Cleveland Diagnostics, where he leads the scientific development of new cancer tests. Dr. Zaslavsky is the developer of the scientific methodology underlying Cleveland Diagnostics analytical and clinical applications. He is the author of over 140 publications, is a co-inventor of multiple patents, and is the author of the definitive book in the field.


Number of Current Jobs
Boris Zaslavsky has 1 current jobs including Chief Scientific Officer at Cleveland Diagnostics , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Cleveland Diagnostics Chief Scientific Officer Detail