Crypto Giants Seek Congressional Clarity on US Money Transmitter Rules

Blake Darcy



Founded the online brokerage firm DLJdirect in 1987 under the brand PCFN on the Prodigy service. Led the firm from 1987 through 2001. Launched online brokerage JVs in Japan with Sumitomo and in Hong Kong with Hutchison Whampoa. Launched stand-alone online firm in UK. Formed a technology firm, iNautix (now owned by BNYMellon), to provide internet solutions to other financial services firms and as part of this venture formed an off-shore facility in India.


Number of Current Jobs
Blake Darcy has 1 current jobs including Executive Chairman at Tradewind Markets , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Tradewind Markets Executive Chairman Nov 1, 2017 Detail