Rethinking Ownership, Stablecoins, and Tokenization from First Principles

Beau Lotto



Beau Lotto is the Founder and CEO of Lab of Misfits, the world’s first neuro-design studio. Uncertainty and the brain’s need to resolve it is essential for thinking about not only branding and business, but design, leadership and innovation. Misfits is a team of scientists, designers and producers who discover the essential questions about the nature of uncertainty. Their work provides a deeper, scientific basis for an organisations DNA & Strategy, creates content that expands PR & marketing potential, and strengthens its internal and external relationships. By focusing on how the perceptual brain resolves the fundamental challenge of uncertainty, The Lab of Misfits gives audiences and clients the opportunity to create … and more than this … to embody innovation. Their results inform and transform. They have worked with the Edelman Group and TJ Max, Golin and L’Oreal, and are currently working Cirque du Soleil.

Beau is one of the few speakers to have given two TED talks, which have amassed over 6 million views combined. He has also spoken at Google’s Zeitgest Minds, Wired, G8 and made significant programme contributions to BBC's Horizon, National Geographic Channel and PBS in the US.
In 2017, Beau published a new major popular science book, Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently. He draws on over two decades of pioneering research to explain that our brain didn’t evolve to see the world accurately. It can’t! Visually stunning, with entertaining illustrations and optical illusions throughout, and with clear and comprehensive explanations of the science behind how our perceptions operate, Deviate will revolutionise the way you see yourself, others and the world. With this new understanding of how the brain functions, we can apply these insights to every aspect of life, love and work. Deviate is not just an illuminating account of the neuroscience of thought, behaviour and creativity: it is a call to action, enlisting readers in their own journey of self-discovery.


Number of Current Jobs
Beau Lotto has 1 current jobs including CEO at Ripple , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Ripple CEO Jan 1, 2012 Detail