Çağatay Demiralp



Çağatay Demiralp is Chief Research Scientist of Sigma Computing. His current work focuses on solving problems at the intersection of Data Systems + Artificial Intelligence + Human-Computer Interaction at scale. Previously, Çağatay was a senior research scientist at Megagon Labs, a visiting researcher with Data Systems Group at MIT CSAIL, a research staff member at IBM Research, and a research intern with the Machine
Learning and Perception group at Microsoft Research Cambridge. Between 2012-2014, he was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University and member of Interactive Data Lab at the University of Washington. Çağatay obtained his PhD from Brown University and also co-founded Fitnescity, a startup providing easy access and data analytics for wellness lab tests.


Number of Current Jobs
Çağatay Demiralp has 1 current jobs including Chief Research Scientist at Sigma Computing , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Sigma Computing Chief Research Scientist Oct 1, 2020 Detail