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Will There Ever Be a Bitcoin Killer? 7 Arguments to Present a Compelling Case

We’ve all been waiting for the next Bitcoin, the crypto holy grail that can do everything Bitcoin does but faster, cheaper and better.

Bitcoin is an obsolete technology invented 13 years ago, progress is exponential and the next big thing will eventually turn up and dethrone the current king.

If bitcoin is code, technology, and a financial asset (which it is), we should expect a better thing to come around and replace it eventually.

However, this is never going to happen. Here’s why.

1. Base Layer

When it comes to money, safety is paramount. What’s the point of having a faster, cheaper, and more versatile coin when the system goes down several times a year (like Solana) jeopardizing the security of the network?

Banks use ancient technology and this is so for a reason. You have to be highly conservative when your money is at stake. The banking industry knows this and implements only incremental changes until they are 100% confident everything works fine.

Although I am a strong critic of the banking industry, I have to admit they are right in this regard. Speed means nothing when you go broke.

Bitcoin is a base layer for money. That layer has to be the solid foundation to build all the other layers of technology.

In a similar fashion, the internet was built on the TCP/IP protocol and it has remained unchanged for the last 50 years. You don’t want to touch your house foundations because everything built on top will collapse.

You can add walls, paint, decorations, or toilets but the foundations are untouchable.

The Bitcoin base layer provides this foundation and will remain unchanged forever and quite rightly so.

Bitcoin also has layer two solutions like Lighting Network which allows for fancy technologies like smart contracts while improving efficiencies, speed, and cost.

Bitcoin is the only crypto out there with solid foundations and no one will ever be able to emulate or improve on that.

2. Network

According to Metcalfe’s law, the value of a network is proportional to the square of its nodes and users. Well, guess who has the most nodes by far in the entire industry?

Any crypto existing or newly created will never be able to catch up with Bitcoin in network size. And this is all that matters.

But not only is BTC the biggest, but it is also the fastest growing and the most secure. Thousands of nodes and growing ensure that the blockchain integrity is maintained and no manipulation is allowed.

Why can’t a new internet be developed just faster and more efficiently? Because there is only room for one network. Trying to build the internet from scratch now will be prohibitively expensive while offering marginal improvements making the whole venture unviable.

Bitcoin was discovered, not invented and you can only discover fire once.

3. Proof of Work

Proof of work is often attacked by politicians, no coiners, and shitcoiners alike. They either don’t understand the system or have a hidden agenda.

Mining Bitcoin with powerful computers and using a fair amount of electricity is exactly what makes it valuable and secure. If bitcoin could be created by pressing a button like most shitcoins or fiat money, it will be worth nothing. It is precisely this very energy that ensures the scarcity, the security of the network, and the immutability of the protocol.

If something is free is generally because is shit, Proof of work is one of the most important pillars in the Bitcoin ecosystem, and very few other cryptos have this.

Gold, good food, fine art, and sound technology are also hard to create, and that’s what makes them valuable. Creating a thousand copies of a retarded monkey NFTs is easy and that’s precisely why its value will go to zero.

Besides, most of the energy used to mine Bitcoin comes from renewables or stranded energy, and mining could well be the ultimate push for the green revolution.

Only Bitcoin has a proper system of PoW and this is something that can’t be emulated.

4. Scarcity

Bitcoin is very rare, only 21 Million will ever be mined. On top of that, it is estimated that around 4 million have been lost by faulty equipment, deceased owners, and the carelessness of early adopters.

21 million in a world thirsty for a reliable store of value is nothing. The moment some institution, country, or wealthy individual start buying seriously the price will experience a short squeeze and reach unthinkable levels in fiat terms.

Dividing an infinite fiat supply by a finite makes BTC price go to infinity. Simple math.

No other coin is as scarce as Bitcoin. Yes, some clever folk could copy-paste the bitcoin code and change the amount to 10 million. Will that be more scarce than BTC?

No, it will be a shitcoin that nobody wants and therefore not scarce.

Scarcity means low supply and high demand, and nothing can ever be as scarce as Bitcoin

5. First mover advantage

Bitcoin has been the only crypto for years. It has gone through crypto winters, all sorts of attacks, blockchain wars, and dissidents.

It has come out stronger and more antifragile at the other end and BTC’s resilience is something no other shitcoin could ever achieve.

Bitcoin has the longest lindy effect and the brand. When most people think of crypto they think of Bitcoin and ignore everything else. That’s unlikely to change any time soon, especially when you see huge flops like Luna and others.

Coca-cola, MacDonald, and Bitcoin have set the standard and they will remain so for the next few decades at least.

6. Decentralization

Possibly the strongest selling point for BTC is decentralization. No one is in charge, no headquarters, no leader, and no committee is calling the shots. It is based on consensus, immutable rules, and transparency.

Even to implement minor changes, thousands of nodes and miners have to agree to it unanimously. Luckily, there is nothing to change because the protocol works beautifully.

No other project will ever be able to achieve such levels of decentralization. This only could be achieved once and it has already been done.

7. Security

Thanks to the PoW, decentralization, and the huge network Bitcoin is the safest protocol ever created. It can’t be hacked, manipulated, or destroyed by anyone. Many have tried and failed miserably. Hackers, scammers, thieves, and governments are constantly trying to bring the system down and Bitcoin keeps producing a new block every 10 mins no matter what.

Any centralized system is eventually hacked. The FED, the CIA, the FBI, and your bank have been hacked at least partially many times over. The damage is contained and the loss is usually small but still, centralized systems are just not safe.

Bitcoin is the most secure network ever created and no other shitcoin can even dream of such a feat.

You want to put your money in a safe place and shouldn’t care so much about bells and whistles.


There is no Bitcoin killer. There is no internet killer. There is no Tesla killer. Those are the killers and everything else is dead.

For base technologies, there is only room for number one. Bitcoin is competing with no one so it has already won and the prize is money.

All those other coins will try to fight for the leftovers and some will succeed in doing so, but why bother trying to second guess the market for small niches when you already know who has won the main race?

I have made the mistake in the past of being lured by these flashy new projects. This made me learn the hard way how to convert myself into a Bitcoin Maxi. You will have to go through the same mistakes but eventually, you’ll realize there is only one number one and nobody cares about number two.

Forget the fluff and have fun being rich.

Not financial advice


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