Ukrainian cyber police, in collaboration with the National Police's Main Investigation Department, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States, have conducted a multi-level international operation to shut down nine virtual asset exchange services that provided anonymous exchange of cryptocurrencies.
These services were used to facilitate the laundering of assets obtained through unlawful means, including ransomware attacks and online fraud. Criminals used these exchanges to trade assets obtained through malicious software (ransomware) attacks and other online scams.
The services were advertised on closed hacker forums. The police have blocked the infrastructure of the network, which was located on servers in the United States, European countries, and Ukraine, and seized the domain names. The police are currently investigating those responsible for the criminal activity. Visitors to the websites, 100btc. pro,,,,, bitcoin24. exchange, paybtc. pro, and owl. gold will now see a banner stating that the assets have been seized.
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