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Stability AI Co-founder Cyrus Hodes Join AIGC Chain

Validated Venture

Recently, the news of Stability AI co-founder, Cyrus Hodes, a recognized global AI expert and web3 advocate, joining AIGC Chain has created a buzz in the tech industry. His former startup, Stability AI, is a prominent generative AI startup that is considered one the strongest AI image generators in the market. The move by Cyrus to join AIGC Chain is another sign that the combined web3 + AI revolution is finally upon us.

In Q3 of 2022, the field of AIGC began to fully explode. Unlike the first AI boom 10 years ago, after 10 years of technological accumulation and large capital investment, AI with low barriers, high intelligence, and high availability has reached the critical point of full-scale explosion. The field of AI generated content, referred to as “AIGC,” is a significant breakthrough for this wave. In September 2022, Sequoia Capital released a landmark investment report titled “Generative AI: A Creative New World,” sounding the horn for a full-scale explosion of AIGC. The article concludes, “The dream is that generative AI brings the marginal cost of creation and knowledge work down towards zero, generating vast labor productivity and economic value — and commensurate market cap.” In December, OpenAI, cofounded by technology gurus Elon Musk and Sam Altman, has revolutionized the world of artificial intelligence and natural language processing with the launch of ChatGPT, a large language model that was made available for free trial, boosting industry excitement. After the open trial, a large number of users began interacting with ChatGPT. From casual conversations, answering daily questions, to generating poetry, novels, video scripts, and AI automatic programming in almost all fields, ChatGPT displayed its amazing abilities. With billions of parameters and computational capabilities and new algorithms, AI has made another leap from quantitative to qualitative, further blurring the boundaries between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. According to OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman, in just one month, ChatGPT had a staggering 150 million user visits, the fastest user growth in tech history.

Now the AIGC industry has been completely ignited. AIGC applications developed by OpenAI and Stability AI have disrupted the technology sector and captured the attention of tech giants like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. AIGC-related companies continue to receive high valuations. The next multibillion-dollar blue sea of AIGC is a sought-after target for VCs and tech companies. The popularity of AIGC is driven by its efficiency, accuracy, cost savings, and ability to personalize content. AI algorithms can produce a large amount of content quickly, accurately analyze data, and save costs. Additionally, AI can analyze user preferences and generate custom content, enhancing the user experience.

According to Grand View Research, the traditional AI market would grow at a 38.1% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, reaching a trillion dollars globally. Compared to standard AI, AIGC has a wider range of applications, including the development and design of content for images, text, video, and audio, as well as translation, summarization, tailored content, data analysis, and solution automation. The quality of AI-generated content is anticipated to rapidly improve as data continues to expand and AI algorithms and GPUs advance, making AIGC a vital player in the Web3 age.

OpenAI, which previously secured over $1 billion financing by Microsoft, has announced another round of funding, with Microsoft investing an additional $10 billion. While Stability AI previously completed a seed round of financing with a total of $101 million and a valuation of $1 billion in the mid of 2022.

Amid the rush of capital and technology leaders investing in the AIGC sector, the entry of industry leaders such as Cyrus Hodes into the web3 organization AIGC Chain has drawn significant attention. As the first public chain in the AIGC field, AIGC Chain has a solid technology foundation. Its base AIGC large model is backed by Los Angeles-based technology company Oben, which was established in 2014 by a group of researchers and entrepreneurs. Oben focuses on promoting the development of AI in a safe and responsible manner, emphasizing positive results for humanity. The company conducts research and development in machine learning, voice morphing, and natural language processing, producing many AI products and services such as 3D face generation from selfies, the AIGC large model, and tools that allow users to create visual content with their 3D digital identity. Adam Zheng is a co-founder of Oben and previously a venture partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners. He co-founded, one of China’s largest dating websites, with classmates from UC Berkeley and Tsinghua University. Adam holds a PhD in Transportation from UC Davis and a Master’s in Financial Engineering from UC Berkeley.

Patrick Law, the founder of BitKeep, is the code contributor for AIGC Chain’s blockchain technology. BitKeep is an easy-to-use cryptocurrency wallet that is used by over 6 million users globally. Patrick built BitKeep from scratch, leading the team. After exiting BitKeep, Patrick and his team provided blockchain technology to multiple well-known Web3 projects, including the leading MetaFi platform Babyswap on the BNB chain. Patrick and his team have extensive experience in cryptocurrency wallets, smart contracts, and multi-chain development.

Cyrus leads the mission of AI and web3 convergence. Besides co-founding Stability AI, and being a Contributor to VALDI.AI a leading distributed cloud computing startup, Cyrus is a member of OECD’s Expert Group on AI Compute & Climate, an expert at the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), part of the AI for Climate Action and AI for Agriculture Committees. He is the co-Chair of Sustainability Commons, with IEEE’s Planet Positive 2030. Cyrus was the first Advisor to the AI Minister at the UAE Prime Minister’s Office. He holds a MPA from Harvard University, an MA in Industrial Dynamics from Paris II University and a BA from Sciences Po Paris.

AIGC Chain is a decentralized and modular platform aimed at making AI accessible and fair for everyone globally, with a focus on decentralization and the use of blockchain technology. It allows for the sale of GPU services, data storage, and other AI-related resources through a P2P market without the need for intermediaries. By using a web3 approach, AIGC Chain aims to address issues in the AI industry such as unfairness, inconsistent styles, poverty, high information entropy, and disordered information. It works with Ethereum and iPollo and plans to expand to other networks like BSC, Cosmos, and PAI. The platform is built in Go and allows for the storage of AI data on public chains such as Filecoin.

AIGC Chain addresses unfairness in AI by using a diffusion model that is crowd-trained by the community around the world and aims to cover a wider range of topics and human needs. In order to avoid inconsistencies in the outputs, the platform’s technical contributors have developed an accuracy control for coherent visual generation techniques to coordinate visual generation, resolving inconsistencies in diffusion generated images. AIGC Chain can help reduce the negative impact of the pandemic on marginalized communities and alleviate wealth disparity by promoting the unique culture, stories, and skills of these groups through AI-generated models and peer-to-peer marketplaces.

The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy in the universe will always increase. In order to slow down the process of heat death in the universe, negative entropy is needed. In physics, negative entropy refers to a system being more ordered than the equilibrium state, rather than more disordered. In the economic system, this means that information needs to be ordered, not disordered, for sustainable economic and social development. Web2 platforms exchange free access for users’ advertising time, and the ads are often ineffective for information acquisition, increasing entropy and causing entropy growth in the overall economy. Web3’s decentralized architecture allows users to decide what type of advertisements they want to receive, reducing entropy in information compared to Web2, making the overall economy more ordered and sustainable. Blockchain technology increases the reliability and trustworthiness of information storage and transmission on the network, reducing entropy by providing secure, transparent, and tamper-proof methods. NFTs provide a secure authentication method for the ownership of artworks by verifying ownership through a blockchain network and reducing entropy by creating clear ownership records.

The main network of AIGC Chain fully supports Turing complete smart contracts. Smart contracts are special protocols used in blockchains to enforce contracts and are automatically executed without human intervention. They control resources involved in computation, such as managing funds and assets of both parties. This enhances the user experience and creates a new attribution model for DApps built on the AIGC network. For example, smart contracts on AIGC network enable completely digital ownership of items, innovative payment models, transparent royalty distribution, and trustless crowd-funding mechanisms. This provides additional social and economic interaction layers, complements the core functions of video and data transmission, and significantly improves user participation and retention on the platform.

AIGC is compatible with Ethereum virtual machines, making it easy to port existing Ethereum-based contracts. The Ethereum RPC adapter provides support for Ethereum’s RPC API, similar to Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. This allows for the full Ethereum DApp development stack, including Metamask, Hardhat, Remix, Ethers.js, Web3.js and Truffle Suite, to be used with AIGC. Ethereum DApps can interact with the AIGC blockchain using the same API calls, meaning they can be seamlessly deployed and migrated to the AIGC Chain. This greatly reduces the difficulty for developers to deploy and develop on the AIGC Chain using existing infrastructure. The AIGC Chain is expected to open its test node application in March 2023 and will have multiple stages. The mainnet is expected to launch in Q3-Q4 2023.


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