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Ideology vs Technology — Is Bitcoin an Anti-Communist System?

By going down the Bitcoin rabbit hole and by reading the tweets from some of the plebs one would be inclined to think that Bitcoin is a conservative or even a libertarian idea.

It certainly goes against the State and proposes a more self-sovereign form of property that can’t be confiscated, censored, or seized.

This can and does attract certain anti-state groups that value independence, self-sufficiency, and private property.

As a matter of fact, Mark Moss and Aleks Svetski have recently published the book: the un-communist manifesto in which they defend the thesis that Bitcoin prevents most of the dystopian situations often found in communist regimes.

By listening to such arguments one should think that Bitcoin is anti-liberal and pro-conservative. But that’s far from the truth.

Bitcoin is a tool that offers independence and self-sovereignty by taking power from the state and giving it to the individual. In that sense, it is anti-establishment whether the government is left or right.

Allegedly, socialist governments aim to empower citizens and redistribute wealth by giving opportunities to the most disadvantaged in order to make a more egalitarian society.

Well, that is exactly what Bitcoin does. Only it works.

Bitcoin is the best opportunity for wealth redistribution in financial history. The current system is broken. Banks, big corporations, and wealthy individuals have an unfair advantage and under the fiat system, they will only get richer and bigger over time.

The Cantillon Effect

According to Cantillon, an English economist from the 18th century, those who are near the money machine benefit disproportionally while the rest get punished by inflation and taxes.

The Bitcoin protocol proposes to move away from the Catillon effect by creating a monetary policy that is predictable, transparent, and immutable.

The system is open to everyone. Those who spend computational power and energy get to mine Bitcoin. Others buy bitcoin with Fiat. And the rest work and get paid in Bitcoin.

In any case, nobody gets money for free. All have to work hard to take a piece of the pie and everybody is in the same position to increase their stack.

Of course, the richest could acquire more BTC simply because they have more money but they will do so at market prices and not as handouts from corrupt officials.

In this sense, Bitcoin is the most equalizing monetary technology and could even be considered socialist in principle.

Window Opportunity

If you are fed up watching the rich get richer while you get poorer and think there is no escape, think twice.

Buy the Dip.

Right now, for several reasons, the wealthy are not queuing up to buy Bitcoin and the price is at a 70% discount from its ATH. You can spend your fiat now and take advantage of being early.

There are only 21 million BTC, 19 of which are already out in the market. There are 54 million millionaires. They won’t be able to buy not even half a coin. If you buy 1 BTC now at 20k you will be in a better financial position than most of them in 10 years.

Isn’t this the idea of communism after all?

Wealth Redistribution

When you play a game and the rules are bent to benefit a few actors you simply can’t win. Whether your ideology is left or right it doesn’t matter since the powerful lobbies have kidnaped governments and their mission has become to siphon money out of your pocket and give it to the elite.

If you commune with the ideas of the left then you are inherently supporting the case for Bitcoin. We are all going against the elite, against the unlimited printing that benefits only a few, and against the confiscation of money from the state.

In order to build a better society and a fairer system we need to break the current fiat apparatus. Printing money forever backed by ever-increasing debt is clearly not the best solution and this is the main factor for the decline in living standards for the middle and working class in the last 50 years.

New generations will never be able to afford a house.

How is that fair?

The system that creates rampant inflation borrows from the future to spend it now. They started in the 70s by breaking the gold standard and ever since purchasing power has decreased substantially for those that are actually doing the work.

My father bought two houses with a modest salary and no mortgage. I can barely afford one. My son will be houseless forever.

Left and right-wing have come and gone and the situation gets worse every decade.

It is not a matter of social policy, handouts, or taxing the rich. It is a matter of replacing a crooked system with something that works and can’t be manipulated by bad actors.

Power Hungry

Governments, whether left or right, are power thirsty. The more they have the more they want. They take every opportunity to remove independence from you and make you an obedient slave.

A money printing machine is a powerful tool and they won’t give it away easily. Only by creating a decentralized system that operates independently, we can reclaim some sovereignty.

This is a left and a right ideal at least in spirit. The problem is that ideals get corrupted by power. Most of the revolutions we’ve seen in history were well-intentioned, it is only when the chosen ones get to power that they stray from those lofty goals.

Power corrupts and infinite power corrupts infinitely. Bitcoin proposes a system in which monetary policy is fixed and not prone to manipulation by elites.

The bitcoin protocol proposes immutable, transparent rules that are the same for everyone.

A math-based system is more objective than one based on fiction.

When you play chess you don’t change the rules just because your opponent is left or right-wing. Bitcoin is chess.

Satoshi Nakamoto created a system that forces every player to play under the same rules, under the same protocol, and under the same immutable scarcity.

That is a fair system and progressives and conservatives alike can agree on it.

Separation of Money and State

A long time ago it became apparent the need to separate church and state. Now the need to separate money and state is even stronger.

We are living in an era of unprecedented inflation, unlimited debt, and infinite money printing. The whole fiat system is a Ponzi scheme that is about to collapse.

Whether you are blue or red, you probably agree with this unless you’ve been hiding in a cave for the last 50 years.

Sometimes ideology is not the solution but the problem. I would like to see more politicians that think like engineers rather than rent seekers playing dirty to win votes.

It is not that hard. Just put in place a system that works, that is fair and that can’t be bent by the elite.

Bitcoin Fixes This


Bitcoin is neither left nor right-wing. It doesn’t care if you are a black lesbian or a white redneck. It works equally for everybody.

Bitcoin is just a tool, just a technology, and one that works beautifully for that matter. Nobody thinks the internet is an ideology because it is not. The same goes for Bitcoin.

The fiat system is a failed experiment that relies too much on power. It is not fair, objective, or efficient. By removing the ability to counterfeit money we will return to a more transparent and equitable system in which the rules are fixed and no one plays with an unfair advantage.

Bitcoin is not an ideology. Bitcoin is a system of math, truth, and transparency.

If you dislike Bitcoin because you think is a toy for the rich, you got the wrong end of the stick.

A group that will disproportionately benefit from Bitcoin is the disadvantaged from the global south. In those places, corruption, manipulation, and inflation are extreme and so is poverty.

Vietnam, Venezuela, Nigeria, and Ukraine are some of the places with the highest Bitcoin adoption. They know their fiat system is broken and they have found a safe haven from it.

Bitcoin is becoming the most powerful tool for wealth redistribution and thanks to it many families can look at the future with optimism and hope.

Does this sound right-wing to you?

What Karl Marx tried to do; redistribute wealth (and failed miserably) can now be achieved with this monetary technology that is already delivering unmistakable results all over the world.

We all want a fair system, we all want to raise our standards of living, and we all want justice.

Bitcoin fixes this regardless of ideology.


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