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Arweave/AO Weekly Highlights Week 25|AI on AO conference, $200 million of $stETH has been deposited into AO network, Llama Land is launched

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Author: wenchuan

Translator: 少华王

Reviewer: Xiaosong Hu

Source: Content Guild Translation

Data from Arweave Network Last Week:

Arweave mainnet has completed a total of 186,108,706 transactions, with 1.58 TiB storage achieved in the past week.

Storage fee for this week stands at 0.748 AR/GiB, block reward at 3,195 AR, and endowment increased by 1,050.67 AR.

PermaDAO Incentive Distribution:

PermaDAO distributed a total of 163.55 $AR (equivalent to 4,272.78 USDC) as contribution incentives last week.

Weekly News Summary

🔥 AI on AO Conference: Three AI Technology Breakthroughs of AO Protocol.

🔥 Over $200 million of $stETH has been deposited into the AO network.

🔥 Llama Land is online and now has a waiting list.

🧵 everPay announced that its users can query AO airdrops through everpay.

🧵 AO Buidler is recruiting Cyber Beaver OGs.

🧵 Apus network announced that it will update the model evaluation function soon.

🧵 BetterIDEa announced that it can run AO processes without a wallet plugin.

🧵 ArConnect latest version v1.14.0 can view $AO income.

🧵 PADO Labs announced the launch of the first verifiable confidential computing network on AO.

🧵 AR.IO announced that the migration to AO will be completed next week.

🧵 KYVE explained the application structure and more details of its grant program.

🧵 Akord demonstrated IPFS vs Arweave vs Akord to illustrate the necessity of Akord.

🧵 MEM launched $mwUSDC in AO.

🧵 0rbit opened $0RBT points.

🧵 BazAR launched 7 new assets.

🧵 Permaverse announced updates on staking conversion, enhanced security, and environmental upgrades.

🧵 Irys announced a partnership with Talis Protocol to provide storage services for its NFT projects.

🧵 Adot announced a partnership with Gonesis.

🧵 Mind Network leverages B² Network to secure Mind Network subnets.

🧵 RedStone announces $sfrxETH price feed for FraxFinance.

🧵 Mind Network and Lorenzo to join forces to expand Bitcoin re-staking landscape

Network & Project Updates

1. AI on AO Conference: Three major AI technology breakthroughs of the AO protocol.

  • Web Assembly 64-bit support: allows developers to create applications that use more than 4GB of memory, greatly improving computing power.
  • WeaveDrive: allows developers to access Arweave data like a local hard drive, and can efficiently stream data to the execution environment.
  • Large language model inference engine: The Llama.cpp system has been ported to support the direct running of multiple open source large language models in smart contracts.

2. AO opened rewards for bridging $stETH to the AO network on June 19.

  • More than $100 million in $stETH was deposited that day, and more than $270 million was deposited by June 23.

3. Apus network announced that it will update the model evaluation function soon.

  • Full support for AO ecosystem wallets will be implemented in Playground.
  • Extend the model evaluation function to AO.

4. Llama Land is online and its waiting list is open.

  • Llama Land is an MMO game built on AO on AI, and its monetary policy is completely determined by the on-chain LLM AI.

5. BetterIDEa announced the introduction of a major code upgrade that allows AO to run without a wallet plugin.

  • BetterIDEa is a web-based IDE that is a one-stop solution for users to develop on Arwaeve and AO.
  • This upgrade allows any mobile phone, smart watch, TV, etc. that can open a browser to access AO.

6. ao Buidler is recruiting Cyber Beaver OG, claiming that the game will start next week.

7. AR.IO announced that the process of migrating to AO will be completed next week.  

  • Its SmartWeave smart contract has been locked for writing and is now in read-only mode.
  • Users can still update ANT (transaction ID, under_names) using, but cannot register new names or extend leases.
  • Gateway operators will not be able to update the on-chain settings of their nodes.

8. everPay announced that its users can query AO airdrops through everPay.

  • Query address:

9. PADO Labs announced the launch of the first Verifiable Confidential Computation Network (VCC) on AO.

  • PADO aims to build the world's first decentralized computing network based on zero-knowledge fully homomorphic encryption.
  • Verifiable Confidential Computation is a decentralized platform that uses cryptography to securely unlock data and computing.
  • In PADO's test network, users can securely store encrypted data on the Arweave ecosystem.

10. KYVE elaborated on the application structure and more details of its funding program.

  • Current structure: Post ideas on its governance forum, community discussion and evaluation, vote on the foundation after no objection, and conduct final review after passing, and then you can start building.
  • KYVE's desired innovations: unique products, new integrations, and new features to support the ecosystem.

11. The latest version of ArConnect v1.14.0 can view $AO income.

  • Users only need to turn on the development mode in the Google plug-in to update.

12. Permaverse announced updates, including staking, enhanced security, and environmental upgrades.

13.  BazAR: @ademcampbell launched 7 new assets.  

  • Reserve price: 0.01 $wAR

14. MEM launched $mwUSDC (MEM-wrapped USDC) in AO, and 119 users currently hold it.

  • Bridge guide:

15. 0rbit opens $0RBT points.

  • $0RBT is a testnet point used to request 0rbit processes to access data in user AO processes.

Project Collaborations & Integrations

1.  Irys and Talis Protocol have partnered to provide storage services for @NumberOfBeasts NFTs.  

  • Talis Protocol is an NFT marketplace that empowers artists and bridges physical and digital art on the Cosmos ecosystem.
  • @NumberOfBeasts is an art NFT product issued on Injective.

2.  Adot announced a partnership with @GonesisAI and will launch Giveaway for the community next.  

  • Gonesis is the first Talk2Earn AI chat application, empowering through NFT and DePIN to build the world's largest decentralized AI agent network.

3. Mind Network announced a partnership with Lorenzo, and the two will work together to expand the Bitcoin re-staking landscape.

  • Lorenzo Protocol is a modular Bitcoin L2 infrastructure based on Babylon. By leveraging Babylon's Bitcoin staking and timestamp protocols, Lorenzo is laying the foundation for a scalable and high-performance Bitcoin application layer.

4. Mind Network announced a partnership with B² Network to use B² Network to stake BTC to protect the security of the Mind Network subnet through fully homomorphic encryption verification.

  • B² Network is an EVM-compatible Rollup based on Bitcoin zero-knowledge proof verification commitment.

Ecosystem Education

1. outprog blog post - "Realizing the Future of AI on AO: A True Web3 AI".

  • AI on AO is a tangible reality that can be integrated into any type of application within the ecosystem.
  • AO's computing power can meet the computing needs of AI: smart finance, AI NPCs in the metaverse, and decentralized trusted GPU networks such as Apus.
  • AI is not only being realized, but also becoming a decentralized, permissionless artificial intelligence market that can be called anywhere on AO.

2. AR.IO Blog Post - "AR.IO: An emerging DePIN".  

  • Just as Arweave is a DePIN storage protocol, AR.IO is a DePIN data access protocol.
  • AR.IO realizes the definition of DePIN through its decentralization, physical infrastructure and its network.
  • AR.IO DePIN can achieve incentives in the form of running nodes and delegated staking.

3. Akord blog post - "$160m+ of Solana's top NFTs are at risk on centralised cloud services".

  • Akord analyzed the storage usage of 20 NFT projects on Solana with a total value of over $250 million.
  • 50% of project metadata and assets are stored on centralized cloud services.
  • 30% of projects use Arweave to store metadata and images.
  • 20% of projects use IPFS or other decentralized storage solutions.

4. Akord tweets show IPFS vs Arweave vs Akord to illustrate the necessity of Akord.

  • Arweave is a very powerful storage primitive, but users need convenient tools to make better use of it.
  • Akord's user-friendly interface and core functions make it easier to protect data on Arweave.

Ecological perspective

1.  Sam: Global shared state was a bad meme, the answer for scaling services is the same as it always has been: Parallelize compute and pass messages. This is @aoTheComputer.

🏆 Spot typos, grammatical errors, or inaccuracies in this article? Report and Earn !

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