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Xu Zhengyu: The New Capital Investor Entry Scheme currently does not consider assets held in non-wholly owned companies or other forms as proof of assets

Hong Kong Financial Secretary and Treasury Bureau Director, Paul Chan Mo-po, replied to a question from a legislator stating that since the launch of the new capital investment scheme, the Hong Kong Investment Promotion Agency will consider accepting applicants' net assets held by their wholly-owned private companies as proof of assets on a case-by-case basis. However, if the applicant holds assets through other non-wholly-owned entities and their absolute ownership rights cannot be clearly defined, assets held by non-wholly-owned companies or other means will not be considered as proof of assets during the net asset review stage of the "new plan". As for measures related to virtual assets, Paul Chan Mo-po pointed out that according to regulations, licensed corporations intending to engage in any activities involving virtual assets must notify the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission in advance, while registration institutions must notify both the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Generally, intermediaries who have been licensed or registered can distribute virtual asset-related products after notifying relevant regulatory agencies of their regulated activities without the need to apply for modifications to their licenses.


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