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Xu Zhengyu: Hong Kong is now actively building an international science and technology innovation center, and investors are very interested in blockchain and other aspects

Mr. Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said in a recent interview that with the emergence of three major trends in diversified asset allocation, digital economy, and green transformation in the international capital market, Hong Kong, as an international financial center, must continue to reform and innovate in order to seize new opportunities. Europe is particularly interested in Hong Kong's policies, especially in recent policies on innovative technology, including regulating legal tender, regulating some off-exchange virtual asset transactions, and developing directions for virtual assets.

Hong Kong is now actively building an international science and technology innovation center, especially in biotechnology, including blockchain, which is of great interest to investors. The situation of family offices settling in Hong Kong is relatively ideal, and there are now about 140 families willing or have already set up family offices in Hong Kong. The task given by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong is to have 200 new family offices established before 2025.


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