Toyota Financial Services announced on February 10th that it will issue its first blockchain security token bond (ST bond) with a total amount of 1 billion yen and a term of one year. The project is jointly promoted by Toyota Finance, Toyota Finance, Daiwa Securities, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank, and Progmat.
The bond issuance uses Progmat's digital asset management platform and is linked with Toyota's smart payment application "TOYOTA Wallet". Investors can subscribe for 100,000 yen per share, and the subscription period is from February 20th to 27th, and the issue date is March 3rd. Depending on the subscription amount, investors can receive a balance reward of TOYOTA Wallet ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 yen. Daiwa Securities serves as the underwriter and Mitsubishi UFJ Bank serves as the bond manager.
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