According to Beta Info, the Android version of Telegram 11.8 Beta has added multiple functions related to Star Coins, including paid messages, Star Coin withdrawals, and Star Coin purchase for Premium, currently only available on the test server.
• Paid messages: Premium users can set a fee for private messages in Settings > Privacy and Security > Messages, and add a free exception list. Senders need to pay Star Coins, with the platform taking a 15% commission.
• Star Coin withdrawals: A new button for withdrawing Star Coins has been added, but the function is not yet available.
• Star Coin purchase for Premium: Supports subscriptions for 3 months (1000 Star Coins), 6 months (1500 Star Coins), and 1 year (2500 Star Coins), and can feature gifts on the personal profile page.
Note: The above functions are still in the testing phase and have not been officially launched.
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