Shytoshi Kusama, the pseudonymous lead developer of Shiba Inu, has shared an exciting message with the SHIB community in the official Shibarium Telegram group today. It comes at a time when the SHIB price is facing a make-or-break moment, as NewsBTC reported yesterday.
The lead developer was responding to a user of the group who pointed out that the last Medium update on the ongoing development of the layer 2 network was made a while ago. Kusama responded that the project is progressing rapidly and that members of the Shiba Inu community already have plenty of updates:
I think the army has plenty of updates as the chain activity and all the tokens are very public. We’re in go mode, not bro mode.
What exactly Kusama means by this can only be speculated. In the last medium update on Shibarium, he announced that the layer-2 technology will be released on the mainnet before the end of 2023. However, an exact date is not yet known. The latest comment by Kusama suggests that significant progress is currently being made towards the mainnet launch.
(by Jake Simmons)
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