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SagaDAO has successfully recovered all funds stolen last week

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SagaDAO announced on social media that they have successfully recovered all the funds stolen last week. 65,761.03 USDC has been sent back to the Align multi-signature wallet protected by Phase Labs. The funds were returned from the attacker's address. Previously reported, on January 24th, SagaDAO announced in the Discord community that they had been hacked. The organization stated that earlier today, they transferred the funds accumulated through Saga token sales from a multi-signature wallet to a new Squads multi-signature wallet composed of 12 committee members for decentralized finance (DeFi) activities. Unfortunately, despite adding all committee members' wallets, the threshold was not set at the expected 60% but instead set at 1/12. The hacker exploited this and transferred all the funds from the multi-signature wallet to their account.


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