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Polyhedra responds to Matter Labs: Do not implement monopoly in the name of community and industry development, and hope to withdraw the ZK trademark application

Polyhedra Network has responded to a series of commitments previously made by Matter Labs regarding the ZK trademark on the X platform as follows:

1. Regarding "Matter Labs will never enforce its existing or future ZK trademarks unless for defensive purposes":

zkSync showed the ZK trademark application to the exchange and attempted to seize the ZK code through the ZK trademark application. This is not for defensive purposes;

2. Regarding "We thank Vitalik Buterin...":

There is no evidence that Vitalik has supported Matter Labs in trademark applications. In fact, ZK inventors Silvio Micali and Shafi have expressed opposition to the ZK trademark;

3. Regarding "Establish an ownerless legal entity whose sole purpose is to hold trademarks for key names such as 'ZK'. This work must be led by a trusted, fair and neutral organization or community member":

In other fields, such as artificial intelligence, anyone can call it AI. However, no individual or company can register the AI trademark because no one can truly represent or monopolize AI. If we allow a company to apply for the ZK trademark, this will set a bad precedent for the industry. Fortunately, Matter Labs' application has not been approved yet. We speak out to raise industry awareness that such behavior must be stopped.

We hope that Matter Labs will not use the banner of community and industry development to pursue monopolistic behavior and personal gain, and we urge them to withdraw the ZK trademark application.


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