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Ozis partners with gold-based RWA developer Credor to tokenize assets such as silver and copper

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Blockchain technology company Ozis has announced a partnership with Credor, a developer of RWA (Real Asset Tied Asset) platforms based on gold. Ozis operates decentralized finance (DeFi) services such as KlaySwap, cross-chain OrbitBridge, and on-chain analysis platform

Credor is developing "The Mining Club," an NFT project tied to physical gold, and "Gold Station," a DeFi platform that issues and uses GPC tokens as collateral. Credor will officially launch Gold Station on the 3rd of next month and operate Korea's first 100% physical gold RWA platform.

The two companies will add GPC issued by smart contracts to KLAYswap and jointly tokenize physical assets such as silver and copper.


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