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Matter Labs releases ZK Commitment: will not file any new trademark applications for ZK and will financially support the creation of a community-led trademark holder entity

Matter Labs tweeted that they appreciate the opinions and suggestions of Vitalik Buterin, NEAR founder Illia Polosukhin, Hasu, and others on how to ensure that key terms such as "ZK" remain free and available and are not abused. The following is a community proposal that we fully support: 1. Establish an ownerless legal entity whose sole purpose is to hold trademarks for key names such as "ZK." This work must be led by a trusted, impartial, and neutral organization or community member; 2. The entity provides free trademark licenses to everyone; 3. Invite many influential community figures and impartial, neutral organizations to join as guarantors. Matter Labs promises not to submit any new trademark applications for ZK. If the application is rejected, Matter Labs will not appeal. Matter Labs will never enforce its existing or future ZK trademarks unless it is for defensive purposes (i.e., to prevent others from suing us). Matter Labs also promises to financially support the creation of a community-led TM-holder entity and transfer all applied-for ZK trademarks to that entity.


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