According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the big short seller of LINK has expanded its borrowing to 108,300 tokens with a health factor of 1.11. In the past 24 hours, the big short seller has added 280,000 USDC tokens to Aave and borrowed a total of 63,000 LINK tokens (worth $960,000). They then sold 53,000 tokens in batches on the chain and repaid 175 WETH tokens and 11.72 WBTC tokens borrowed earlier. Prior to this, on November 20, the short seller added 50,000 USDC tokens as collateral to Aave and borrowed 10,000 LINK tokens, and then continued to short LINK in a cycle by "selling LINK for stablecoins, adding collateral, and borrowing LINK."
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