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Glassnode Data Reveals Bullish Trends for Bitcoin Amidst Latest Rally

Bitcoin has had one of its best weeks in history, with a closing increase of 35.8%.

Bitcoin’s monthly average transaction count has hit 309.5k per day — the highest level since April 2021, according to on-chain analytics firm Glassnode.

On the week of March 20, the monthly average of transaction counts reached 309.5k per day — the highest level since April 2021 and significantly above the yearly average. Less than 12.2% of all days have seen higher transaction activity for Bitcoin — a positive indication as this metric is typically linked with rising adoption rates, network effects, and investor activity.

Glass Node approximates that the number of distinct new entities operating on the blockchain as the best measure for unique new users. Their analysis shows that this metric has hit 122k new entities per day, but only 10.2% of days have had higher adoption rates for new users — which took place during the 2017 peak and the 2020-21 bull run.

(By Dorian Batycka)


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