June 22 (Cointime) - Atrium, a network of Web3 artists and creators, has released the pilot for its episodic series "Nouns: A Movie," which is the first animated film funded by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Led by former animators for Pixar, Netflix and Marvel, the project has a budget of $2.75 million, given in tranches provided the team meets its goals. The action comedy "The Rise of Blus: A Nouns Movie" is set in the bustling, floating cloud city of Blus, where an audacious 13-year-old Noun discovers the plot of aristocrats to enslave its citizens and must team up with an unlikely band of misfits to save the ones they love. The NounsDAO community passed a proposal to fund the film in March, and the movie has been created by an entirely remote team, speeding up processes that would otherwise take months.
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