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Two Addresses Suspected of Belonging to the Same Person Deposited More Than 50,000 GMX Into GMX Pledge in the Early Morning, Equivalent to Approximately US$1.78 Million.

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On September 6th, according to on-chain analyst Yu Jin's monitoring, 8 hours ago, two GMX whale addresses (possibly belonging to the same individual/organization) deposited 54,607 GMX (approximately $1.78 million USD) into GMX staking. Among them, address 0x856 deposited and staked 28,385 GMX (approximately $920,000 USD), and address 0xacc deposited and staked 26,221 GMX (approximately $850,000 USD).

These two addresses currently have a total staking amount of 210,493 GMX (approximately $6.88 million USD), with a cost of approximately $58 USD. Currently, there is a floating loss of $5.34 million USD (-43%).


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