Binance has reportedly lifted restrictions on Russian citizens and residents, allowing them to deposit Russian rubles, euros, British pounds, and other currencies from bank cards issued in Russia. Last year, after the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia due to its attack on Ukraine, Binance announced that it would not support deposits from Visa and Mastercard cards issued in Russia, as well as any Visa and Mastercard deposits made from Russia.
The exchange has not officially announced the lifting of restrictions, but users have reported that Binance has removed the ban on Russian bank cards and lifted limits for accounts with balances larger than 10,000 euros for users in Russia.
However, Binance still prohibits peer-to-peer trades in dollars and euros for Russian citizens and residents, leaving only the Russian ruble option. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao has previously stated that the exchange abides by sanctions but some of its legal entities outside of the EU might still be able to serve Russians.
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