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Bloomberg: Bitcoin's sharp volatility may be a precursor to broader changes in risk appetite in global markets

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The sharp drop in Bitcoin has sparked investors' interest, who believe that the significant fluctuations in Bitcoin may be a precursor to wider changes in global market risk appetite. Following a drop of nearly 16% in April, Bitcoin has fallen by about 4% in the past two days, marking the largest single-month decline since the FTX exchange crashed in November 2022. Some investors are looking for clues to dynamic changes in liquidity that could impact other assets in Bitcoin trading. In recent weeks, as the Fed has hinted that interest rates will remain at high levels for a longer period of time, Bitcoin prices have declined. The Fed's stance has boosted US bond yields and the US dollar, tightening the financial environment. Charlie Morris, Chief Investment Officer of ByteTree Asset Management, said that Bitcoin is our favorite gauge. This is a warning of future trouble in the financial markets, but we can believe that it will rebound at some point.


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