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Blockchain recruitment company Veremark raises $3 million, led by Samaipata and Stage 2 Capital

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London blockchain recruitment and background check service company Veremark announced the completion of a $3 million (£2.4 million) financing, with Samaipata and Stage 2 Capital leading the investment, and ACF Investors and Vulpes Investment participating.

Recently, Verepass launched a blockchain-based "professional passport" service Verepass, which allows job seekers to manage their verified certificates with it.

It is reported that Veremark was established in 2019 to conduct background checks on potential employees for companies, examine their qualifications and legal compliance, and can also be used to screen existing employees, business partners, limited partners, and founders. (UK Tech)

In 2022, Veremark completed an $8.5 million (£7.08 million) equity financing, with Stage 2 Capital leading the investment.


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