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Bitget Exchange successfully launched BTC/WUSD trading pair

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On November 8th, the new generation stablecoin WUSD continued to expand its coverage on mainstream cryptocurrency trading platforms. Bitget exchange launched the BTC/WUSD trading pair on November 8th, 2024 at 18:00 (UTC+8). Bitget had previously supported the WUSD/USDT trading pair, and the addition of the BTC trading pair further enriches the trading options for WUSD. WUSD is a stablecoin issued by WSPN (Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network). WSPN is committed to creating a safer, more efficient, and transparent payment solution for the global economy, and is a leading supplier of next-generation stablecoin infrastructure.

As WSPN's flagship product, WUSD is pegged to the US dollar at a 1:1 ratio and aims to optimize a secure and compliant digital payment experience for Web3 users. WSPN's concept of "Stablecoin 2.0" is a next-generation technical solution aimed at enhancing stablecoin functionality and user experience. This solution prioritizes user-centered design, community governance, and accessibility, paving the way for the widespread adoption of stablecoins.


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