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Bitcoin Community Not Happy With Peter Zeihan’s Criticisms on Joe Rogan Podcast

In a recent JRE episode, Zeihan, who is an American geopolitical analyst and author claimed that crypto was always a “hot dumpster fire” and that Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. The analyst claimed that the number one digital asset by market capitalization is now being priced “more appropriately.”

Zeihan also made the argument that the “whole idea of economic activity is that there's expansion which means you need more currency to lubricate and manage that expansion.” The analyst argued that if a currency’s supply is locked, there will be monetary inflation and this could “destroy an economic model.”

Because of Zeihan’s comments, Bitcoiners almost immediately offered their responses and offered counterarguments to Zeihan’s claims. Some community members instantly pointed out that the analyst has not read and understood the Bitcoin whitepaper.



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