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Bitcoin Argentina president proposes draft bill “proposing to regulate cryptocurrency markets in a way that preserves decentralization and strengthens public trust”

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Ricardo Mihura, the Bitcoin Argentina president, proposed a proposed legal framework for regulating the cryptocurrency market in a way that maintains decentralization and strengthens public trust at the LABITCONF 2023 conference held in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. Bitcoin Argentina had previously denied the need for regulation in the industry. However, Bitcoin advocates now believe that this is not only necessary to protect the blockchain, but also to hold bad actors accountable within the limits of the law. Mihura said: We have always rejected attempts to regulate the crypto economy, but this time we have set ourselves the goal of making a positive response, with only two objectives: maintaining decentralization, protecting savings and public trust. We cannot turn a blind eye to the dishonesty of those who spread blockchain brands and the number of projects.


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