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Binance will remove trading pairs such as ALCX/BUSD on August 25, 2023

Binance will remove the following spot trading pairs and cease trading on August 25, 2023 at 11:00 (UTC+8): Spot trading pairs: ALCX/BUSD, FOR/BUSD, LOOM/BUSD, NMR/BUSD, PEOPLE/BUSD, PUNDIX/BUSD, SPELL/BUSD, STORJ/BUSD. Users can still trade the above-mentioned currencies in other available trading pairs on the Binance platform. Binance will terminate trading robot services for the above spot trading pairs, where applicable, on August 25, 2023 at 11:00 (UTC+8). It is strongly recommended that users update and/or cancel their trading robots before the above trading robot services are discontinued to avoid any potential losses.


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