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APRO Oracle, the most comprehensive oracle in the Bitcoin ecosystem, is proud to announce a strategic alliance with Lnfi Network to launch the first price oracle service based on the latest mainnet version of Taproot Assets.

APRO Oracle, the most comprehensive oracle in the Bitcoin ecosystem, is proud to announce a strategic alliance with Lnfi Network to launch the first price oracle service based on the latest mainnet version of Taproot Assets. APRO Oracle's price feed service will aggregate weighted prices from top exchanges such as Binance and LN Exchange, providing users with the most accurate and up-to-date information available. APRO Oracle is the first decentralized oracle network specifically designed for the Bitcoin ecosystem, offering secure, fast, and cost-effective data solutions. Lnfi Network, on the other hand, is at the forefront of integrating Web3 and tokenization into the Lightning Network through Taproot Assets. This collaboration combines APRO Oracle's powerful price feed capabilities with Lnfi Network's cutting-edge implementation of Taproot Assets, solidifying LN Exchange's position as the premier liquidity layer dedicated to Taproot Assets, making it the go-to platform for executing various financial operations such as trading, hedging, arbitrage, and rebalancing.


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