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$2.36 24H Price $2.61

CAKE Price Live Data

PancakeSwap today's live price is $2.37 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $326,313,544 USD. PancakeSwap has dropped by 1.13% in the last 24 hours. The current ranking is #83, with a live market cap of $694,282,574 USD, and a circulating supply of 292,641,557 CAKE coins.

Market Cap
Volume (24h)
Circulating Supply
292,641,557 CAKE
Fully Diluted Market Cap
$ 1,067,610,360


PancakeSwap announced the destruction of 9.21 million CAKE, worth about 27 million US dollars

Decentralized exchange PancakeSwap announced on X that it had burned 9,219,752 CAKE tokens, worth about $27 million.

PancakeSwap destroyed more than 8.7 million CAKE 1 hour ago

PancakeSwap announced on x platform that it destroyed 8,703,247 CAKE tokens about an hour ago, worth about $35 million, with NFT transaction fees of 3,800 CAKE tokens (worth about $15,000), an increase of 443% compared to last week.

PancakeSwap: The total amount of CAKE decreased by 0.189% in March, with deflation for 7 consecutive months

On April 5th, PancakeSwap, a decentralized exchange, released its report on the destruction of CAKE tokens in March. The data shows that as of April 2nd, PancakeSwap successfully destroyed 0.189% of the total supply of CAKE in March, marking the 7th consecutive month of decline in the total amount of CAKE.

PancakeSwap announced the destruction of 9 million CAKE, worth about 40 million US dollars

Decentralized exchange PancakeSwap announced on X that it has burned 9,003,400 CAKE tokens, worth about $40 million.

PancakeSwap destroyed nearly 9 million CAKEs

PancakeSwap has burned 8,998,889 CAKE tokens worth approximately $37 million.

PancakeSwap launches proposal to add PANDORA-WETH pledge pool

PancakeSwap announced a proposal to add a PANDORA-WETH staking pool on Ethereum's PancakeSwap. It is reported that the proposal vote will end on February 8th, and the approval rate is currently 100%.

PancakeSwap: 9,199,677 CAKEs have been destroyed, worth $24 million

PancakeSwap officially announced on social media that its Ganache burned 9,199,677 CAKE tokens, worth $24 million.

PancakeSwap destroys approximately $25 million worth of CAKE

PancakeSwap has announced today that it has burned 8,506,585 CAKE tokens, worth approximately $25 million.

PancakeSwap destroys approximately $29 million worth of CAKE

PancakeSwap announced today that it has burned 8,180,543 CAKE tokens worth approximately $29 million.

PancakeSwap launches veCAKE voting market on BNB Chain

PancakeSwap has announced the launch of its veCAKE voting market on the BNB Chain. veCAKE holders can choose to receive voting rewards from the project and create additional rewards for users participating in CAKE staking.

The PancakeSwap community has passed the proposal to "reduce the maximum supply of CAKE to 450 million coins"

On December 29th, PancakeSwap community has voted for the proposal to "reduce the maximum supply of CAKE from the current 750 million to 450 million."

PancakeSwap launches proposal to "reduce the maximum supply of CAKE from 750 million to 450 million"

PancakeSwap has proposed to reduce the maximum supply of CAKE tokens from 750 million to 450 million to better adapt to the current circulation supply. The voting proposal will take place within 24 hours and if approved, will take effect on January 4, 2024.

PancakeSwap has launched veCAKE dashboard in zkSync Era

PancakeSwap has announced the launch of the veCAKE dashboard on the zkSync Era. veCAKE represents locked-vote CAKE, and the veCAKE system allows holders to now influence the CAKE emissions in the pool, providing direct emission measurement utilities, and enabling third-party protocols through authorization. The current emission allocation for zkSync mining transactions is 0.0131 CAKE/block, which has been added to the veCAKE emissions.

PancakeSwap destroyed more than 10.16 million CAKEs, worth approximately US$34 million

PancakeSwap announced today that it has burned 10,166,225 CAKE tokens, worth approximately $34 million.

CAKE broke through 2.7 USDT, rising 22.69% in 24H

CAKE has broken through 2.7 USDT and is currently trading at 2.7007 USDT, with a 24-hour increase of 22.69%. Earlier news suggested that a new proposal by Pancakeswap would reduce the maximum supply of CAKE to 450 million coins.

Pancakeswap’s new proposal proposes reducing the maximum supply of CAKE to 450 million coins

PancakeSwap has proposed a plan to reduce the total supply of CAKE tokens. The proposal suggests reducing the maximum supply of CAKE from the current 750 million to 450 million.There are several main reasons for implementing this adjustment, including providing certainty for future CAKE token supply to the community, accelerating the journey of CAKE, and ensuring flexibility for future growth.The proposal suggests reducing the current total supply of CAKE from 750 million to 450 million, a reduction of 300 million CAKE. PancakeSwap values community feedback before making the final proposal and will strive to incorporate any suggestions before the proposal is formally released.

PancakeSwap will cooperate with SPACE ID to launch .cake domain name service

On December 13th, PancakeSwap will collaborate with Web3 domain and identity platform SPACE ID to launch the .cake domain service. This domain system will operate within the BNB Chain ecosystem, with each domain represented by a BEP-721 token (NFT). After registration, the domain can be used in all protocols integrated with SPACE ID (including PancakeSwap).

PancakeSwap: Nearly 9 million CAKEs have been destroyed, worth approximately $22 million

PancakeSwap announced on X platform that it has burned 9,170,886 CAKE tokens today, worth approximately $22 million.

PancakeSwap: The amount of CAKE destroyed in November was 352,000 more than the amount minted.

PancakeSwap stated on the X platform that a total of 1,083,657 CAKE were minted in November, and 1,435,619 CAKE were burned, resulting in a net mint of -351,962 CAKE.

PancakeSwap destroys $21 million in CAKE

PancakeSwap officials posted on X platform stating that 8,808,741 CAKE tokens have been burned, with a value of approximately $21 million.

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