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Portfolio Insights: Enabling Omni-chain Liquidity with Rage Trade

Rage Trade’s key innovations such as Recycled Liquidity and 80–20 Vaults allow for a liquid trading experience for users, together with its Delta Neutral Vaults that provide yield for stakers. Backed by a strong team focusing on sustainability and security, we are confident in Rage Trade’s success.
Portfolio Insights: Enabling Omni-chain Liquidity with Rage Trade

Portfolio Insights — Thala

As of writing, MOD and ThalaSwap are gearing up for mainnet app launch in early Q1 2023. Subsequently, Thala will be focusing on its collateral diversity and its cross-chain deployment.
Portfolio Insights — Thala

All You Need To Know About EigenLayer’s Whitepaper: Hyperscaling Blockchains

EigenLayer is a restaking protocol for Ethereum that enables existing ETH stakers to opt in to validating new software modules (e.g. consensus protocols, data availability layers, oracles, middleware, etc.) built on top of the Ethereum ecosystem. Restakers will then earn an extra share of rewards, while being subject to additional slashing conditions on their staked ETH.
All You Need To Know About EigenLayer’s Whitepaper: Hyperscaling Blockchains

The Complete Guide to GLP Wars

Instead of relying on excessive token emissions, Real Yield protocols provide yield through actual protocol revenue. Likened to profit sharing, protocol revenue is typically from trading fees in the protocol.
The Complete Guide to GLP Wars

Portfolio Insights: EigenLayer

EigenLayer is already working on developing new products such as EigenDA, that provides a hyperscaled data availability layer for Ethereum to unlock higher bandwidth while optimising for cheaper and more consistent fees.
Portfolio Insights: EigenLayer

Portfolio Insights: LayerZero

As developers continue to explore new omnichain use cases, we are also anticipating new applications that can be built using LayerZero such as NFT financialization, yield aggregators, omnichain wallets that don’t require change of RPCs, gaming, social, DID and many more.
Portfolio Insights: LayerZero

What can we expect from Shapella?

After Shapella, the next exciting upgrade to Ethereum will be the Cancun fork, which forms part of the scaling roadmap. While L2s such as Optimism and Arbitrum have reduced costs over 8x that of Ethereum base layer, data storage has always been the bottleneck in terms of cheaper transaction fees, making up over 90% of the transaction costs.
What can we expect from Shapella?

Why We Invested in Pendle

Pendle’s approach to using a standardised token standard for yield bearing assets makes it easy to integrate more yield-bearing assets in the future, and it unlocks composability for other DeFi protocols to build upon or integrate with it.
Why We Invested in Pendle

3 Paradigms in Web3 Social

TowneSquare is a Web 3 native social network “everything” app that Bixin Ventures invested in. The TowneSquare team is building an ecosystem of application and infrastructural primitives to enable the value network experience described above.
3 Paradigms in Web3 Social

Censorship Resistance in Bitcoin & Ethereum

Bitcoin’s properties make it suitable for base layer money but the programmability of blockchains like Ethereum is paramount for us to enjoy on-chain applications.
Censorship Resistance in Bitcoin & Ethereum